Material för Arrangemang


Journalister skriver inte om åsikter (de passar på tidningens debattsida). De skriver om nyheter — något som är nytt, helst dramatiskt och överraskande och kopplat till aktuella frågor eller ämnen som redan behandlas i media. Det här är en utmaning för oss eftersom de inte gärna skriver om pågående problem som sker långsamt, som uppvärmningen av planeten. Här är några tips för att hjälpa en aktion att få ett större nyhetsvärde:

Building a movement isn’t just about carrying out an action. Movement-building is about growing relationships, and growing people’s sense of power. For that, we offer ways to get people more deeply involved. The concept of the ladder of engagement can make sure we are inviting people to make a deeper commitment.

Ämnen: , ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 5-20 people

Varaktighet: 20 minutes

Lärstilar: Auditiv, Läsa/skriva, Visuell

350 staffer Sarah from Egypt has been using a method called appreciative inquiry. That approach centers around the belief that groups make their best progress when they they focus on the skills they do well. When a group says they aren’t good at communication, for example, this approach asks of the group: “Okay, but when you’re the best at communication—what does that look like?” The idea is that seeing what you’re lacking doesn’t help you know what to do more of. Instead focus on what resources you have and how to expand and grow those.

Ämnen: , ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 5-25 people

Varaktighet: 45 minutes

Lärstilar: Auditiv, Läsa/skriva, Visuell

Campaigns aren’t won all at once; instead, they are won through a series of actions. Yet, too often, we design only one action ahead of time. That can be a problem – when that action is over, people want to know what comes next. Right after the action they are energized and ready to do the next thing, and we lose that energy if we don’t have the next step. This tool is about helping us plan ahead and keep momentum. It’s a great tool to use after people have been thinking about possible tactics, or near the end of a campaign workshop to finalise a plan.

Ämnen: ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 10-50+ people

Varaktighet: 20-45 minutes

Lärstilar: Auditiv, Läsa/skriva, Visuell

Power-mapping can help you to identify targets and focus your strategy. The idea is to map out your potential targets, and the institutions and individuals who influence your target, so you can begin to understand possible ways to impact them. A power map can be a useful visual tool to help your team understand power, and see possibilities for campaigning.

Ämnen: ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 5-30 people

Varaktighet: 20-30 minutes

The goal of this activity is straightforward: getting people to create a timeline of what they have been up to in the last, say, six months. We encourage reflection in small groups so that you get a wide range of input and more chances for participation. Plus, small groups are another way of getting participants to work with each other, especially if you encourage people to get into groups with people they don’t as well or don’t work with as often.

Ämnen: , ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 5-40 people

Varaktighet: 35 minutes

Lärstilar: Auditiv, Läsa/skriva, Visuell

Det här är ett strategiskt verktyg för att kolla på bredden av grupper som är inblandade i en fråga - från de som är mest engagerade motståndare till de som är mest aktiva i att stödja frågan. Verktyget kan synliggöra hur taktiker behöver utformas efter i vilken grad de riktar sig till allierade, och underlättar mer optimistiska mobiliseringar när vi förstår att vi inte kan vinna över alla. Det kan också ge en fingervisning om vilka allierade vi vet för lite om.

Ämnen: ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 5-50+ personer

Varaktighet: 15-30 minuter

Lärstilar: Läsa/skriva, Visuell

By themselves, rulers cannot collect taxes, enforce repressive laws and regulations, keep trains running on time, prepare national budgets, direct traffic, manage ports, print money, repair roads, keep markets supplied with food, make steel, build rockets, train the police and army, issue postage stamps or even milk a cow. People provide these services to the ruler though a variety of organizations and institutions. If people would stop providing these skills, the ruler could not rule.  - Gene Sharp • The Politics of Nonviolent Action

Ämnen: ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 5-50+ people

Varaktighet: 15-30 minutes

A young organiser was asking for advice on how to be a better organiser. An older organiser replied, “You are selfish—you take all this work and do it yourself. But other people want to participate and help out. They need you to be more giving and give them meaningful work so they can feel part of the organisation.” Those are wise words—and true for many of us. So how do we get others involved by giving work away? One tool to help us with this is: the menu of tasks.

Ämnen: ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 5-30 people

Varaktighet: 10-20 minutes


Journalister skriver inte om åsikter (de passar på tidningens debattsida). De skriver om nyheter — något som är nytt, helst dramatiskt och överraskande och kopplat till aktuella frågor eller ämnen som redan behandlas i media. Det här är en utmaning för oss eftersom de inte gärna skriver om pågående problem som sker långsamt, som uppvärmningen av planeten. Här är några tips för att hjälpa en aktion att få ett större nyhetsvärde:

Building a movement can sometimes feel like pushing a boulder up a hill. We’re pushing against major forces that take great effort to budge. Other times it can feel like racing downhill — we start something and it quickly takes-off. Sometimes we are running to keep up with what is happening, spending energy to help events roll on course and in the right direction. Whatever our work feels like, it needs the same thing: momentum.

Activist groups can reach a point where they stop growing. Such groups often mistakenly believe they’ve tapped all the people who care about their issue. They think, for instance, that nobody else cares about the expansion of coal plants or is willing to take a stand against rising sea levels. The problem is often not that we have run out of people in our city or town: it’s how we are organizing and the way we think about growing our group.

Building a movement isn’t just about carrying out an action. Movement-building is about growing relationships, and growing people’s sense of power. For that, we offer ways to get people more deeply involved. The concept of the ladder of engagement can make sure we are inviting people to make a deeper commitment.

Ämnen: , ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 5-20 people

Varaktighet: 20 minutes

Lärstilar: Auditiv, Läsa/skriva, Visuell

350 staffer Sarah from Egypt has been using a method called appreciative inquiry. That approach centers around the belief that groups make their best progress when they they focus on the skills they do well. When a group says they aren’t good at communication, for example, this approach asks of the group: “Okay, but when you’re the best at communication—what does that look like?” The idea is that seeing what you’re lacking doesn’t help you know what to do more of. Instead focus on what resources you have and how to expand and grow those.

Ämnen: , ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 5-25 people

Varaktighet: 45 minutes

Lärstilar: Auditiv, Läsa/skriva, Visuell

Campaigns aren’t won all at once; instead, they are won through a series of actions. Yet, too often, we design only one action ahead of time. That can be a problem – when that action is over, people want to know what comes next. Right after the action they are energized and ready to do the next thing, and we lose that energy if we don’t have the next step. This tool is about helping us plan ahead and keep momentum. It’s a great tool to use after people have been thinking about possible tactics, or near the end of a campaign workshop to finalise a plan.

Ämnen: ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 10-50+ people

Varaktighet: 20-45 minutes

Lärstilar: Auditiv, Läsa/skriva, Visuell

Power-mapping can help you to identify targets and focus your strategy. The idea is to map out your potential targets, and the institutions and individuals who influence your target, so you can begin to understand possible ways to impact them. A power map can be a useful visual tool to help your team understand power, and see possibilities for campaigning.

Ämnen: ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 5-30 people

Varaktighet: 20-30 minutes

The goal of this activity is straightforward: getting people to create a timeline of what they have been up to in the last, say, six months. We encourage reflection in small groups so that you get a wide range of input and more chances for participation. Plus, small groups are another way of getting participants to work with each other, especially if you encourage people to get into groups with people they don’t as well or don’t work with as often.

Ämnen: , ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 5-40 people

Varaktighet: 35 minutes

Lärstilar: Auditiv, Läsa/skriva, Visuell

Det här är ett strategiskt verktyg för att kolla på bredden av grupper som är inblandade i en fråga - från de som är mest engagerade motståndare till de som är mest aktiva i att stödja frågan. Verktyget kan synliggöra hur taktiker behöver utformas efter i vilken grad de riktar sig till allierade, och underlättar mer optimistiska mobiliseringar när vi förstår att vi inte kan vinna över alla. Det kan också ge en fingervisning om vilka allierade vi vet för lite om.

Ämnen: ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 5-50+ personer

Varaktighet: 15-30 minuter

Lärstilar: Läsa/skriva, Visuell

By themselves, rulers cannot collect taxes, enforce repressive laws and regulations, keep trains running on time, prepare national budgets, direct traffic, manage ports, print money, repair roads, keep markets supplied with food, make steel, build rockets, train the police and army, issue postage stamps or even milk a cow. People provide these services to the ruler though a variety of organizations and institutions. If people would stop providing these skills, the ruler could not rule.  - Gene Sharp • The Politics of Nonviolent Action

Ämnen: ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 5-50+ people

Varaktighet: 15-30 minutes

A young organiser was asking for advice on how to be a better organiser. An older organiser replied, “You are selfish—you take all this work and do it yourself. But other people want to participate and help out. They need you to be more giving and give them meaningful work so they can feel part of the organisation.” Those are wise words—and true for many of us. So how do we get others involved by giving work away? One tool to help us with this is: the menu of tasks.

Ämnen: ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 5-30 people

Varaktighet: 10-20 minutes


Activist groups often develop some actions they use again and again. Sometimes that’s sufficient. Groups can develop internal rituals or find that tactics continue to be effective. But oftentimes groups can get so used to do things that do them even when they’re not effective. So if you know a group who keeps picking the same ineffective tactics, or same boring meetings, this tool can help.

Ämnen: , ,


Gruppens storlek: 5-40 people

Varaktighet: 15 minutes

Lärstilar: Auditiv, Kinestetiskt, Visuell

Building a movement isn’t just about carrying out an action. Movement-building is about growing relationships, and growing people’s sense of power. For that, we offer ways to get people more deeply involved. The concept of the ladder of engagement can make sure we are inviting people to make a deeper commitment.

Ämnen: , ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 5-20 people

Varaktighet: 20 minutes

Lärstilar: Auditiv, Läsa/skriva, Visuell

350 staffer Sarah from Egypt has been using a method called appreciative inquiry. That approach centers around the belief that groups make their best progress when they they focus on the skills they do well. When a group says they aren’t good at communication, for example, this approach asks of the group: “Okay, but when you’re the best at communication—what does that look like?” The idea is that seeing what you’re lacking doesn’t help you know what to do more of. Instead focus on what resources you have and how to expand and grow those.

Ämnen: , ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 5-25 people

Varaktighet: 45 minutes

Lärstilar: Auditiv, Läsa/skriva, Visuell

Campaigns aren’t won all at once; instead, they are won through a series of actions. Yet, too often, we design only one action ahead of time. That can be a problem – when that action is over, people want to know what comes next. Right after the action they are energized and ready to do the next thing, and we lose that energy if we don’t have the next step. This tool is about helping us plan ahead and keep momentum. It’s a great tool to use after people have been thinking about possible tactics, or near the end of a campaign workshop to finalise a plan.

Ämnen: ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 10-50+ people

Varaktighet: 20-45 minutes

Lärstilar: Auditiv, Läsa/skriva, Visuell

Power-mapping can help you to identify targets and focus your strategy. The idea is to map out your potential targets, and the institutions and individuals who influence your target, so you can begin to understand possible ways to impact them. A power map can be a useful visual tool to help your team understand power, and see possibilities for campaigning.

Ämnen: ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 5-30 people

Varaktighet: 20-30 minutes

The goal of this activity is straightforward: getting people to create a timeline of what they have been up to in the last, say, six months. We encourage reflection in small groups so that you get a wide range of input and more chances for participation. Plus, small groups are another way of getting participants to work with each other, especially if you encourage people to get into groups with people they don’t as well or don’t work with as often.

Ämnen: , ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 5-40 people

Varaktighet: 35 minutes

Lärstilar: Auditiv, Läsa/skriva, Visuell

Det här är ett strategiskt verktyg för att kolla på bredden av grupper som är inblandade i en fråga - från de som är mest engagerade motståndare till de som är mest aktiva i att stödja frågan. Verktyget kan synliggöra hur taktiker behöver utformas efter i vilken grad de riktar sig till allierade, och underlättar mer optimistiska mobiliseringar när vi förstår att vi inte kan vinna över alla. Det kan också ge en fingervisning om vilka allierade vi vet för lite om.

Ämnen: ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 5-50+ personer

Varaktighet: 15-30 minuter

Lärstilar: Läsa/skriva, Visuell

By themselves, rulers cannot collect taxes, enforce repressive laws and regulations, keep trains running on time, prepare national budgets, direct traffic, manage ports, print money, repair roads, keep markets supplied with food, make steel, build rockets, train the police and army, issue postage stamps or even milk a cow. People provide these services to the ruler though a variety of organizations and institutions. If people would stop providing these skills, the ruler could not rule.  - Gene Sharp • The Politics of Nonviolent Action

Ämnen: ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 5-50+ people

Varaktighet: 15-30 minutes

A young organiser was asking for advice on how to be a better organiser. An older organiser replied, “You are selfish—you take all this work and do it yourself. But other people want to participate and help out. They need you to be more giving and give them meaningful work so they can feel part of the organisation.” Those are wise words—and true for many of us. So how do we get others involved by giving work away? One tool to help us with this is: the menu of tasks.

Ämnen: ,

För: , ,

Gruppens storlek: 5-30 people

Varaktighet: 10-20 minutes